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Setting up Calendar/Contact Sync in Daystar Email

Google or iCloud account owners enjoy seamless syncing of their mail, calendar, and contacts across their signed-in devices. Daystar users can have the same benefits, but it may take an extra step or two on some devices.

Server-Client model

Like Daystar email data, Calendar & Contact data is always stored on the Daystar server and accessed by a client. Think of the client as a program for accessing your data. If the device you're using for email or calendars gets lost, you can always log in to the Daystar server from another device and all your data is still there.

Frequently, calendars and contacts are included in the email client itself. On mobile devices, there may be separate Calendar or Contacts apps.

See diagram below. You can always access and maintain your calendars and contacts by logging in to your Daystar account via the web portal at , or by using a common client of your choice.

Example clients

  • Webmail --You can always access your calendars and contacts by logging in to your Daystar account via the web portal at
  • Standard Email Programs --The calendars built into Thunderbird, Outlook, or Apple Mail.
  • Calendar apps --Mobile calendar apps such as Vision Calendar, Apple calendar, Any-Do, Fantastical, etc.

CalDAV sync illus.jpg

Step 1: Configure a calendar on your Daystar account

A. Sign in to with your UN & PW. Select the calendar icon at the top right.

B. In the left margin you will see Personal Calendar. Use the kabob menu (3 vertical dots) to name & customize

C. Use the plus symbol to add additional calendars for business or shared family calendars, etc, as desired. Use the colorized Toggle on each calendar to Show/Hide the data from that calendar.

E. To share a calendar with someone else, click on the kabob menu, select Sharing and grant View or Edit permissions as desired. Then select Links to this Calendar and copy a URL option that someone else can use to join your calendar. See illustration:

DS 4.png

Step 2: Configure a Calendar Client

A. Thunderbird

  1. From the left bar menu, select Calendar, then + to add a new calendar On the Network.
  2. Enter your Daystar UN, and for Location, paste in the CalDAV URL you copied :point_up: above for Read-Write sync.
  3. Click Find Calendars, then enter your Daystar PW when prompted.
  4. Click Subscribe, and your Daystar calendar should be ready for use. You can repeat this process on other devices and have your calendar data synced across all devices.

B. Calendar in iOS

  • The process is very similar to that for Thunderbird. Provide you Daystar UN and PW when required, but use the WebDAV ICS URL for the calendar link instead of the CalDAV URL.

Additional notes from Loren Eby: Client wanted to use CalDAV with his Daystar email account on his iPhone to sync his calendar from his Pc to his Phone.

  1. Instead of using the CalDAV URL you must use the WebDAV ICS URL
  2. If a client uses the CalDAV URL the account will save in Passwords & Accounts, but the Calendar App will say the account is not able to connect to the server.
  3. If this happens you cannot edit the account and change the URL to the correct one and re-save. Instead, start over and have them setup a new CalDAV account and be sure to use the WebDAV ICS URL.

C. Microsoft Outlook

  1. Download and install the CalDAV Sync Plug-in for Outlook
  2. Add a New Sync Profile. Select SOGo for Profile type. Configure your Daystar details.

DS 5.png

D. Android Calendar

  1. From Google Play or alternate appstore, download and install the DAVx5davx.png app.
  2. From your Android Calendar app, select Add CalDAV calendar and login with your Daystar UN & PW.
  3. Create account as prompted, or simply choose defaults to sync your Daystar calendar(s).

Syncing Contacts across Your Devices

The process for Contacts is very similar. Start in if necessary to set sharing permissions.

  • In Thunderbird, go New Address Book/Add CardDAV Address book then sign in with Daystar UN & PW and it's done!
  • In Outlook, build a Contact Sync Profile as you did above for Calendar.
  • In Android, sign in to Daystar account via your DAVx5 app if you did not check Contact Sync when you set up your calendar.