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SSL Certs

The DrawBridge CA certificate is required on all client devices for proper operation with the DrawBridge.

Different operating systems require different certificate types or encoding types. This menu gives you the appropriate certificate for your operating system. Click the appropriate operating system for your use case and follow the instructions to install the certificate.

Visit the SSL Certs page

If you're on a DrawBridge-protected network, visit the SSL Certs dashboard at: http://draw.bridge/sslcerts/dashboard/

If you're not on a DrawBridge-protected network, visit the SSL Certs dashboard on one of our cloud servers, such as:

Linux systems

As of this writing, a script to install the DrawBridge root CA certificate is available on all DrawBridge systems, however it is not visible in the user interface at this time.

Installation instructions:

  1. Download the installer script here: http://draw.bridge/static/software/ (Note: must be on a DrawBridge-protected network with DNS resolution properly configured.)
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you saved the script. (eg. cd ~/Downloads/)
  3. Extract the script: unzip
  4. Run the script: sudo ./