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Device: Setting up New

  1. Navigate to the company that you want to add a device to.
  2. From the drop down under the add / + button in the upper right, choose device.
  3. Fill out the form.
    • Device Name - you will use this name to identify the device when you call in for support in relatiorelation to this device.
      • On remote devciesdevices when possible we push this name to the device.
    • Device - from the drop down pick the device that best describes the device you are setting up.
      • If you can't find you device pick the generic one that is most correct for your device (ie. windows laptop, or iPhone)
      • If you start typing in the field it will sort for you.
    • Contact - From the available contacts in the drop down choose the contact you want to assosiateassociate this device with.
    • Subscription - Pick the subscription that you want for the device.
    • Filter - Pick the filter this device will be assigned to.
      • On-site Draw BridgeDrawBridge if this company has one.
      • Church Draw BridgeDrawBridge if this compnay is apart of a group that has a church Draw Bridge.DrawBridge.
      • Any of the cloud filters this company has devices on already.
      • Or you will also be able to assign the device to our newest cloud filter.
    • Filter Username - This field will auto fill the username of the contact you assigned it to but you should append something onto the end to make it unique and to identify the device. (ie. _laptop or _iph or _charlie )
    • MDM Server - Use the settings below unless you have been given special instruction to use something different
      • Windows Computer — Maple Leaf
      • Macbook or iMac — Moysle
      • IPhone, IPad, or IPod with filtered internet — JAMF - Crabapple
      • IPhone set for talk and text only — Moysle
      • Android devices - Beacon
    • Serial Number - Required only on Apple devices
      • iPhone
      • iPad
      • iPod
      • Macbook
      • iMac
    • Cellular Network - Enter the cellular or internet provider this device will most oftemoften be using.
      • On a cell device this will be the cell carrier
      • on a computer this will be Internet ServicService Provider most often connecting with.
  4. Review and make sure all fields are completed correctly.
  5. Save the record by clicking the save / checkmark button.
    • You should get a green success bar at the top of the record. If you do notnot, review all fields making sure that everything is correct. The most likely to cause trouble is probabalyprobably the filter username not being unique so try something different there. (ie. _iph2 instead of _iph)
  6. After a successful save, Click the Wrench button in the upper right and chosechoose the Deploy option..
  7. Next click the Wrench button again and click Sync to Filter.
    • This Sync process may happen in a few minutes but often it can take a hour or so. ThereIf you are cases especially if the filter being syncedsyncing to is an on-site DB thatDrawBridge, it willmay takerequire overthe night.routine overnight sync cycle to complete.
  8. When this sync is complete you will get a green 'Authentication credentualscredentials are correct' bar at the top of the screen when clicking the Confirm Filter Connection button from the wrench button drop down.

At this point you are ready to see the correct device enrollment instructions to complete the device enrollment.