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Troubleshoot a broken webpage


A webpage appears to be "broken" -- some content is not loading at all, or the text/pictures/icons are not displaying correctly, however there is no blockpage to indicate what the issue may be.

How to Troubleshoot

  1. Identify your IP address (Local Device) or your filter username (Remote Device)

  2. Open a new browser window and visit the Realtime Log Viewer in the DrawBridge Console (Content Filter / Troubleshooting / Realtime Log Viewer)

    Note: access requires realtime log viewer permissions! See Console Reference Docs for more information.

  3. Enter your IP address or Remote Device filter username, and tap Refresh Line Stream

  4. Back in the original browser tab with the broken website, tap the page reload button

  5. Watch the Realtime Log Viewer and identify the blocking traffic


Add the domain(s) in question to the Always Allow via the Access Policy Dashboard Allow; Website button, reloading the filter as-needed to apply the changes. See HowTo doc: Allow a specific website.


Is this something that should be fixed for everyone? Send links screenshots of the broken webpage to with the details of the problem you encountered, and how you resolved it. The Page Classifying team will review the data for possible inclusion in a ruleset update.