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Technical DrawBridge system configuration settings. (Does not contain filter settings; see Content Filter for content filter settings.)

Local Settings

DrawBridge system identity details, specific to this system.

Parameter About
Name Globally-unique name of this DrawBridge
Local Yes/No -- this record belongs to this hardware
Admin URL The URL and port number for the management interface (if no port is displayed, the default is 443)
Cloud Server Yes/No -- this system is/is-not a "cloud filter"
Rebranded Yes/No
Project Name Brand information
Console Name Brand information
Filter Name Brand information
Hostname Brand information
Slogan Brand information
Phone Brand information
Email Brand information
Canonical ID Globally-unique identifier for this DrawBridge
Sync Role Publisher/Subscriber -- role of this DrawBridge in the Synchronization ecosystem

Appliance Companies

List view of all tenant Company records; displays Company-Appliance/DrawBridge relationship. Typically only relevant in the context of the Synchronization ecosystem.


List view of system database backups. (Database backups are automatically uploaded to Compass Foundation offsite storage.)

Email Settings

Configuration details regarding email alerts. Managed by Compass Foundation.

Parameter About
Host Mail Server domain
Port Port for SMTP
Use TLS Yes/No
Verify TLS Yes/No
From Address Brand information
Username Username to use with email server for authentication

Certificate Authority

Information regarding the Certificate Authority, SSL Certificates, and Software (Client SSL Cert Installers) in-use on the DrawBridge. Relevant primarily when Rebranded = Yes (see Local Settings, above).

DrawBridge Terminal

Applicable only to systems running DrawBridgeOS. Does not apply to ClearOS-based systems. (See the Platform field in your DrawBridge System Overview page to see which operating system your DrawBridge is running.)

Modes of operation

More information coming soon.