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Authentication Integration

The DrawBridge supports connection to an external user database for User and Group synchronization using the following database types:

  • Active Directory
  • OpenLDAP


These features are intended to be used in conjunction with the DrawBridge Agent software (Windows computers only) to link the actual User signed-in on a Local Device to a specific Access Policy.

See Accounts: Groups for further information on People Groups.

See Content Filter: Web Page Access for further information on configuring Access Policies.

See How To Guides: Assign a Proxy User Group to an Access Policy for further implementation details.

Technical specifics

The DrawBridge connects to external user databases either using plain-text LDAP communication on port 389, or using TLS (LDAPS) on port 636.

A scheduled job perfomrs a background sychnronization with the database server four times a day.

A username and password to access the user database must be provided to the DrawBridge. The only permissions that are needed for the user are read access to the user and group information on the server.

Security Notes:

  • The security-by-least-privilege principle dictates that the credentials provided to the DrawBridge to access the user database should not have any permissions beyond read-only access.
  • When using LDAPS: The DrawBridge accepts any certificate presented by the server -- it does not perform verification/validity checks.

Record View

Both Active Directory and OpenLDAP server records have the following parameters:

Parameter About
Name User-assigned display name of the server
Host Address of the server, eg. (Active Directory) or ldap:// (OpenLDAP)
Server Type Active Directory or OpenLDAP
Username Format Active Directory or OpenLDAP
Status This record is Active or Inactive
Search Base Examples: dc=local or ou=Accounts,dc=eastwoodtc,dc=lan
User Object Class Examples: person (Active Directory) or exinetOrgPerson (OpenLDAP)
Group Object Class Examples: group (Active Directory) or posixGroup (OpenLDAP)
Device Object Class Example: computer (Active Directory)

Record header menu buttons:

  • Edit the Directory Server settings with the green pencil Update Directory Server button
  • Delete the Directory Server record with the red trashcan Delete Directory Server button
  • Hamburger menu:
    • Verify Connection settings: test the provided authentication credentials. An alert will display the results of this test within seconds.
    • Sync Directory Servers: trigger a manual sync job to run immediately. (Note: this routine does not provide any status information.)
  • Bookmark this page with the ribbon Bookmark button

Informational Tabs

Field Maps

Map DrawBridge database fields to the directory server fields. Add a new relationship with the Add Field Relationship button.

Remove a field relationship with the red trashcan Delete button on the relevant line.

Example configuration (Active Directory)

Note: Your environment may be different.

Console Field Directory Field
first_name givenName
last_name sn
username cn
cid objectGUID
email userPrincipalName

Company Maps (Active Directory only)

Assign a Directory Group to a DrawBridge Company with the Add Group to Company Map button.

Remove a Directory Group to DrawBridge Company relationship with the red trashcan Delete button on the relevant line.